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 Step 4: Activities!

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Posts : 206
Join date : 2011-07-12

Step 4: Activities! Empty
PostSubject: Step 4: Activities!   Step 4: Activities! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 10:21 pm

It seems like Hogwarts is all about classes but actually you can enjoy a lo of activities as well s gain points for your house! They may include Quidditch,Dueling,The Daily Prophet, The Activities Corner and Trivia Section in the Library as well as Shopping! Very Happy

Simply buy a broom! You will be able to sign up and play for your house team as either a Chaser,Beater,Keeper or Seeker.
Only Students taking Flying for their First-Year are allowed to signup! The Referee will be judging regular matches throughout the year. Once the snitch is caught, 50 Points will be awarded to the winning team for the Quidditich Cup and 150 Points for the House Cup.


To duel, you will have to sign up in the 'Challengers' Topic,you will be dueling in a lane with your opponent and the Referee which will determine the effect of your spell as well as if the shot was a 'MISS' or a 'HIT'. It is quite easy but you should know your spells Wink

The Prophet:
Other than Quidditch and Dueling, The Daily Prophet is launched every 3 Weeks! You can become a journalist and earn from 25-175 Points according to your submissions.

The Library:

Within the Library lies many activities and quizzes where all Wizards and Witches are welcome to join. Many earn House Points, or sometimes even money!

You can spend all your Galleons in plenty of shops in Hogsmeade and Stoatshead Hill! From sweets, pranks items and butter beer to Clothes and accessories!

Getting a Job:
As you spend your Galleons, you can always gain them back! To get a job, just visit the East Tower and post the job you would like! There are many options and you can view them all in the "Job Hunt" Topic.
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