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 Step 2: Let's get Sorted!

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Posts : 206
Join date : 2011-07-12

Step 2: Let's get Sorted! Empty
PostSubject: Step 2: Let's get Sorted!   Step 2: Let's get Sorted! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 8:53 pm

So, you've just bought all your supplies and need to get sorted. What do you do?

Well, once you have bought all your supplies you will be sent a sorting quiz which will determine which house you belong to. DO NOT post in the Sorting Ceremony! There it will show the results of your fellow Witches/Wizards as well as your own Smile. You can be sorted until Week 5 where you are expected to catch up with your lessons. Once you are sorted, you will be given a bed of your own in your house where you can personalize Very Happy. You have to earn points to your house in order to win the House Cup.

Head to Step 3 to learn more about Lessons!
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Step 2: Let's get Sorted!
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