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 Step 3: Lessons!

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Posts : 206
Join date : 2011-07-12

Step 3: Lessons! Empty
PostSubject: Step 3: Lessons!   Step 3: Lessons! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 9:08 pm

After you have been sorted, you can take 5 Lessons out of 10. Just visit the "Class Sign-ups" topic in my Office in the East Tower, and post your preferred classes which include:

- Charms
- Defense against the Dark Arts (DADA)
- Potions
- Care of Magical Creatures (CMC)
- Flying
- Herbology
- History of Magic (HoM)
- Magical Healing
- Muggle Studies
- Transfiguration

Note: If you have been sorted in the middle of the year, you will have to catch up and attend previous lessons. Exams will begin at the 10th week and projects will be assigned before that in a few weeks. Flying is Obligatory if you would like to be in the Quidditch team.
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