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 Step 1: Buy your Supplies!

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Posts : 206
Join date : 2011-07-12

Step 1: Buy your Supplies! Empty
PostSubject: Step 1: Buy your Supplies!   Step 1: Buy your Supplies! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 7:49 pm

Welcome Students, to Hogwarts!

Once you have created your Account and Received your Acceptance letter, you will have to buy your Required Supplies. Every witch/wizard is given 100 Galleons which she/he has to spend wisely at Diagon Alley. Whenever you purchase a supply make sure to divide your Galleons so that it would satisfy your needs, and make sure to visit your vault occasionally at Gringotts! To actually buy something all you have to do is just post! Very Happy
Visit the shop where the object you need is found and post a quick reply ordering the thing you need.The Prices are listed in the shop and make sure you visit all the shops before purchasing anything since you might find a lot of options! Just by posting you have ordered Smile
When you have ordered all your supplies you will be sent a Sorting Quiz which will determine which house do you belong to. The list of Required Supplies is found in the Entrance Hall.

Visit Step 2 to learn more about Being Sorted!
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Step 1: Buy your Supplies!
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