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 Shelf 4: I Through M

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Posts : 206
Join date : 2011-07-12

Shelf 4: I Through M Empty
PostSubject: Shelf 4: I Through M   Shelf 4: I Through M Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 3:40 am

Important Modern Magical Discoveries - 2G each

Infamous Witches & Wizards - 4G each

Intermediate Stargazing - 3G each

Intermediate Transfiguration - 2G each

An Introduction To The Dark Arts - 1G each

Invisible Book of Invisibility - 5G each

Jinxes for the Jinxed - 3G each

Learning the Tongue of the Wood People - 1G each

Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks - 1G each

Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms - 4G each

Magical Law and Government - 1G

Magical Theory - 1G

Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean - 2G each

Magick Most Evile - 4G each

Men Who Love Dragons Too Much - 3G each

Modern Magical History - 2G each

The Monster Book Of Monsters - 1G each

Moons of our Solar System - 2G each

Muggles Who Notice - 3G each
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Shelf 4: I Through M
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