Famous Fire Eaters - 3G each
Fifteenth Century Fiends - 4G each
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World - 3G each
Flying With the Cannons - 4G each
Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality - 3G each
From Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper's Guide - 5G each
The Gods and Their Rivalries - 3G each
Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century - 2G each
Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century - 2G each
Guide to Advanced Transfiguration - 4G each
A Guide to Medieval Sorcery - 4G each
Hairy Snout, Human Heart - 3G each
Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care - 1G each
Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology - 4G each
Heading Hogwarts - 3G each
The Healer's Helpmate - 3G each
He Flew Like a Madman - 4G each
Hélas, Je me suis Transfiguré mes Pieds - 3G each
Heroes, Gods, And Monsters Of Mythology - 1G each
A History of Magic - 2G each
Hogwarts, A History - 2G each